To define your own Navigation Bar Profile and Business Role with specific workcenters do the following steps:
Go to Transaction spro and click SAP Reference IMG.
Choose: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Customer Relationship Management -> UI Framework -> Technical Role Definition -> Define Navigation Bar Profile
Here you can create your own Navigation Bar Profile. I normally copy an existing one and adjust this one like this:
Select Define Profile on the left hand side.
Select the corresponding profile you want to copy and press F6 (Copy As…). Now adjust your own Navigation Bar Profile.
Select Define Profile on the left hand side again and mark your new Navigation Bar Profile. Then select Assign Work Centers. You are now able to add Workcenter items via the Workcenter ID and position on the right hand side. Just press F5 (New Entries) and start enter the workcenters.
The next step is to create a Role Configuration Key.
Go back to the SAP Reference IMG and choose: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Customer Relationship Management -> UI Framework -> Technical Role Definition -> Define Role Configuration Key.
Now press F5 (New Entries) and create your own Role Config Key.
Go back to the SAP Reference IMG and choose: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide -> Customer Relationship Management -> UI Framework -> Business Role -> Define Business Role
Here you can create a new Business Role. I would suggest you copy an existing one. Mark a corresponding business role and press F6 (Copy As…). Now adjust your own Business Role Profile. (Use your predefined Navigation Bar Profile and Role Config Key).
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